
A Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse
Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse, as viewed from Java, Indonesia.
Includes 5k JPEG image of the sun in totality.
Ames SPACE Archive
Ames space GIFs ( file is available, with descriptive text.. )
APM Galaxy Survey
The APM Galaxy Survey contains over 2 million galaxies with Bj < 20.5 in the South Galactic Cap. This page provides a summary of the survey and some pretty pictures.
APS Catalog of POSS I ( Univ. Minnesota )
The APS Catalog of the POSS I contains millions of entries for stars and galaxies, and the corresponding Image Database contains their pixels and more. The data behind the Object Catalog and Image Database are generated from digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. Object Catalog entries include calibrated magnitudes in two colors, positions to 0.2 arcseconds, confidence measures on neural network image classifications, colors, and various other useful parameters.
APS Image Database
A searchable database of images scanned from the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. This resource is tied into the APS Object Catalog, providing both pixels and calibrated positions, magnitudes, and other information.
Armagh Planetarium Homepage
An astronomical resource for educators and Planetarium workers which contains images obtained through our telescopes and a variety of other material.
astro!nfo ( Information Service )
astro!nfo is a Information Service made by amateur astronomers. There will published many informations about the amateur scene. Most of the text is written in German language.
Astronomical Dep. of University Of Thessaloniki
Astronomical Image Library
We're undertaking the task of indexing the wealth of astronomical images available on the Internet. To use the service, you just have to go to the URL mentioned and type the name of the object you are looking for. If our database knows where an image of this object is located, you just have to click on the resulting link(s) to obtain a picture of it. We're currently indexing approximately 15,000 images and more are being added regularly.
Astronomical Images Archive
This page is an archive of astronomical images collected from the Internet and various other sources. Most pictures also include some information compiled from a variety of sources. For now, there is access to nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, the solar system, and miscellaneous categories. Feedback is appreciated.
Astronomical Images from the AAO
The images available here are low resolution scanned derivatives of over 100 AAO photographs.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Each day we feature a new picture of our spectacular universe. Browse through our extensive annotated archive. Intended for all educational levels.
Astroware 1 CD-ROM
Astroware 1: Astronomy Shareware & Freeware (ISBN 1-886376-03-4). This CD-ROM is the first to be released in a new series of space and astronomy related CD titles. Astroware 1 is devoted to shareware and freeware files on the topics of Astronomy, Amateur Telescope Making, CCD imaging and image processing. A wide range of text files and programs for DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, and Unix computers are included on this ISO-9660 disc.
Bacheca dell'Astrofilo ( Italian )
Big Bear Solar Observatory ( BBSO )
This site contains daily images from our solar optical telescope at Big Bear, California. Fulldisk images for the current month. H-alpha, white light, and Ca-II K-line images are generally available for every observing day; Ca-II K-line fulldisk archive; H-alpha fulldisk archive; White light fulldisk archive; Current high-resolution region images; Programs to read FITS images on IBM PCs and Macintoshes.
Book on Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact - Call for photographs and pictures
Brittany Center of Informatical Resources ( CRI-CICB )
at Rennes, an Astronomy Server of pictures & animations
Cassini Mission to Saturn
Saturn and Titan will be the destination for the Cassini mission, a project under joint development by NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The U.S. portion of the mission is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Catania Astrophysical Observatory ( OAC )
Daily solar images (chromosphere and photosphere)
CCD Images of Galaxies ( Univ. Oregon )
This is a Gallery Showing Several Types of Galaxies That Inhabit the Universe. As of 2/10/94 it includes M101, Malin-1, Colliding [Starburst] Galaxies (an MPEG movie with .AU audio narration), M33, and H-alpha Emission in M33.
CCD Images of Messier Objects ( Messier Objects )
High Quality CCD Images of Messier Objects gathered at a variety of observatories by the maintainer . Some amateur CCD images obtained at the Pine Mountain Observatory can be found here as well.
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies ( CEPS / RPIF )
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and its Regional Planetary Image Facility (RPIF) located at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution are pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. The purpose of this NASA supported RPIF is to act as a reference library providing planetary science researchers with access to the extensive collection of image data from planetary missions. Currently we are in the process of placing some of the 300,000 photographs and images of the planets and their satellites in our collection online.
CNAM (French National Conservatory of Arts & Works)
at Paris, an Astronomy Server
CNAM (National Conservatory of Arts & Works)
An astronomical database of NASA pictures
Comet Observation Home Page
Provides information on current (bright) comets including recent observations and ephemeridies. Images and light curves of current and past comets are also available.
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Bulletin Board (PDSSBN, U.Maryland)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (ESO)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (NASA-GSFC)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (NASA-JPL)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (SEDS-LPL, Ariz.)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Encounters Jupiter - Latest HST Images (STScI)
Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales ( CONAE, Argentina )
Information on the Centro Regional de Datos Satelitales (CREDAS) and on Argentina's National Space Plan
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
(DCW: " a pretty icon page!" )
(French text)
Degenhardt Amateur User Facility
The Degenhardt Amateur User Facility (DAUF) is located in Murfreesboro, TN. It is a joint effort from local amateurs to provide a location for any amateur (or professional) to observe either for research or for fun anytime. The page is constantly updated with images and results of its activities. It also provides links with other web sites of interest.
Digital Archive of Historical Astronomy Pictures ( DAHAP )
A collection of images from the history of astronomy, for use in research and teaching.
ESIS on-line image (GIF) files
FITSview FITS image viewers ( FITSview )
The FITSview family of viewers for FITS format astronomical images are available for Microsoft Windows (FITSview), Apple Macintosh (MacFITSview) and Unix/X-Windows (XFITSview) computer systems. These viewers have easy to use graphical controls and will display astronomical images in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) format allowing zooming, scrolling, modifying the brightness, contrast and pseudo color and allow determination of celestial positions and the physical brightness units in the image. Both standard World Coordinate System (WCS) and Digitized Sky Survey
Groupe de recherche en Astrophysique de l'Universite Laval
Groupe de Recherche en Astrophysique de l'Université Laval. Bilingual (French/English). Description of research projects. Science with HST. Picture galery. Individual members. Recent publications (with postcript files available on-line). Links with other astronomical resources.
Grove Creek Observatory, Australia ( GCO )
Grove Creek Observatory in NSW Australia, specializes in CCD imaging and research. Accomodation available for visiting amateur astronomers. Has Mirror Site in USA.
High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment
The HEXTE is one of 3 instruments on board the X-ray Timing Explorer (XTE), which is scheduled for launch in 1995 October. It is sensitive to X-rays from 15 to 250 keV and can provide timing information down to 8 microseconds.
HST archive retrieval instructions
HST PR-images
HST WF/PC-1 images
WAIS index to images obtained with the WF/PC-1 camera on board the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST), retrievable via full-text search of the associated observing proposals
Hubble Space Telescope - an artist's view
Hubble Space Telescope - pictures
Publicly released images from post-servicing observations by Hubble Space Telescope. The images in this directory are in GIF format which supports up to 256 colors (8-bits). They include 30 Doradus, 47 Tucanae, Comet 1993e, Eta Carinae, Mars, M31, M87, M100, NGC1068, NGC2440, NGC6624, NGC7252, Nova Cygni, Orion (incl. animation), QSO1220+204, the Saturn storm, SL-9, SN1987A (with rings), and SN1994I. The images have originally been made available by the Office of Public Outreach of the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Hubble Space Telescope picture gallery
a mousable sequence of press release photographs taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
Hubble Space Telescope public images and other information
images, movies and animations from some of the observations by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). They are made available by the Office of Public Outreach of the Space Telescope Science Institute. See also: TIFFs & GIFs ( Levay), ExInEd (Macs-only)
Image Processing CD-ROM
The IMAGE PROCESSING TOOLS CD-ROM contains a huge selection of files related to the topics of image processing, file formats and documentation, format conversions, specialized image processing applications, and source code for algorithms, converters, and complete image processing systems. The disk also includes a large amount of FITS information, CCD imaging software, and specialized astronomical image processing software.
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics ( ITA )
Information about scientific activities and staff members.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Image/Information Archives ( JPL )
This is a public access computer site containing information on and images from missions conducted by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory; it is operated by the JPL Public Information Office. Contents of the site include:
-- JPL news releases, status reports, fact sheets and other data on JPL missions.
-- Images from JPL missions as GIF computer files. These may be displayed on various makes of computers; viewing software may also be downloaded.
-- Back issues of JPL's in-house newspaper, Universe.
In addition, teacher materials provided by the JPL Public Education Office are planned to be added shortly.
Subdirectories are named archive, educator, images, missions, news, sircxsar, software, universe and file
JPL planetary images
WAIS index to captions and planetary GIF images from Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (JPL's) Public Information Office.
La Palma - Isaac Newton Group (WWW) ( ING )
The Issac Newton Group consists of three telescopes, the 4.2 metre William Herschel Telescope, the 2.5 metre Isaac Newton Telescope, and the 1.0 metre Jacobus Kapteyn Telscope. They are situated at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma in the Canary Islands, and are operated by the Royal Observatories of the UK. This resource contains documentation for many of the major instruments, details of how to apply for time, brief descriptions of the telescopes, details and status of the service programme, current telescope schedules, daylight and moonlight diagrams from the Nautical Almanac Office of the RGO, reports on recent instrument commissioning, and pointers to weather information for La Palma and to the home pages of other institutions which share the site.
Limber Observatory
Limber Observatory is a private observatory and residence in the Texas Hill Country near San Antonio, specializing in optical polarimetry of early emission line stars.
Loch Ness Productions: Planetarium resources
The "official" list of planetarium and planetarium- related Web sites is here, as well as Loch Ness Productions resources for planetaria: shows, original artwork slides, space music CDs and tapes, the LNP Planetarium Compendium (directory of the world's planetaria), and more.
Low Surface Brightness Galaxies ( Barely Visible Galaxies )
Example CCD Images of Low Surface Brightness galaxies obtained from a long term survey for these objects. Recent Papers on these objects can also be found at this site.
Magellan Image Browser
Magellan Mission to Venus - Online Resources ( PDS Imaging Node. JPL. NASA )
The Magellan spacecraft was launched on May 4, 1989, arrived at Venus on August 10, 1990 and was inserted into a near-polar elliptical orbit with a periapsis altitude of 294 km at 9.5 deg. N. Radio contact with the spacecraft was lost on October 12, 1994. The service provides a comprehensive description of the mission, including images and catalogue
Mars Atlas ( -- online USGS maps and VO image finder )
A WWW-browsable, zoomable and scrollable atlas of USGS images of Mars, showing the locations (footprints) of thousands of high-resolution Viking Orbiter images.
Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Space Sciences ( AMSEE )
The "Association Mediterranenne des Sciences de l'Environnement et de l'Espace" or Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Space Sciences is a non profit organisation established late 1990. Since then the Association has installed two telescopes, one designed for the observation of planets and double stars under the Mosser Dome and another for deep sky observing under the Messier Dome. CCDs observing for amateur size telescope has been the major interest of the members since the beginning. The AMSEE observing facilities have been installed on the French Riviera at 1220 meters above the sea level on a 7,8 ha piece of land. Synergies have been developed with the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (OCA) and many other bodies.

The projects undertaken by AMSEE are described in the server, which includes the finest images made with the observatory facilities.

Messier Pages at SEDS
Images and short information for each of the 110 Deep Sky Objects of Messier's catalog, together with various indices and reference material. Including historic and observational stuff, and a big image collection.
MSSS Viking Image Archive
Provides access to a large fraction of the set of images taken by the Viking orbiters from 1976 to 1980
Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies
A Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies is presented as an educational tool for high school students. Optical, X-ray, Far-Infrared and Radio images are shown for a variety of nearby galaxies. Text describing the physical mechanisms of the different types of radiation, and their astronomical sources is supplied.
MURPHY, Pat ( Ohio State )
NASA astronomy images
NASA JSC Digital Image Collection
NASA Shuttle flights - pictures
Pretty pictures from many NASA Shuttle flights, including STS-61 in December 1993 to service the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The images in this directory are mirrored from the sites at:, and
NASA space images and information
National Undergraduate Research Observatory ( NURO )
The National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO) at Lowell Observatory and Northern Arizona University is a 0.8m telescope located on Anderson Mesa south of Flagstaff, Arizona. NURO is a consortium of Universities and small colleges to provide a research grade telescope for undergraduate research and education.
NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library ( NCSA ADIL )
The purpose of the NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library is to collect fully processed astronomical images in FITS format format and make them available to the research community and the general public via the World Wide Web. The collection will contain images from research observatories all over the world and taken at all wavebands.
NGC 1068 Workshop
This web site serves as a call for submissions to the NGC 1068 Workshop to be held at Schloß Ringberg (Ringberg Castle), Germany, 30 Oct. - 2 Nov. 1996. Included on this page is an electronic application form for the Workshop, as well as a link to a Posters Page , with instructions for Poster submissions.
Nordic Optical Telescope, image gallery
NSSDC Photo Gallery
The images presented in the Photo Gallery have a number of different sources, primarily NASA missions, however. They are generally organized by object and/or phenomenon on separate pages. The source of the image as well as the processing involved in producing the image have been included whereever possible. Photo captions for some images are also available.
Out of This World star atlas exhibition
An exhibition of rare star maps and atlases from the History of Science Collection of the Linda Hall Library
PH308 --- Galaxies, Quasars & Cosmology
This course is a third year undergraduate option taught by the Astronomy Group at Southampton University. The course is intended to provide a broad introduction to extragalactic astronomy: it is divided into three main sections, which cover the properties of normal galaxies, the nature of active galaxies, and our current understanding of cosmology.

The purpose of these WorldWide Web pages is to provide direct access to some of my notes, to a number of the on-line resources used in preparing the lectures, and to further material. They are not a substitute for the lectures (at least, not yet)!

Remote Access Astronomy Project ( RAAP )
The Remote Access Astronomy Project

The RAAP is an educational outreach program that promotes interest in science through providing astronomy educational resources. These include a series of digital image processing exercises to teach a variety of physical concepts as well as access to our computer controlled telescope allowing motivated students design and carry out their own experiments.

Rennes' University of France
Astronomical pictures & animations with graphical indexes; - README-english , README-french
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh ( ROE )
ROE's W3 server offers information to present and potential users of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, the UK Infrared Telescope, the UK Schmidt Telescope and the SuperCOSMOS measuring machine. There are also pages for:
Satellites with High Energy Astrophysics Instrumentation ( HEASARC. GSFC. NASA )
Comprehensive list of satellites with high energy astrophysics instrumentation. Includes images from these missions
SEDS - Internet Space Archive ( LPL/Arizona )
A large internet resource of Space related images, information and software.
The SL9: IMPACT '94 CD-ROM contains a huge selection of images and other files related to the impact of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. The SL9 CD-ROM contains hundreds of images, motion video sequences, and technical information related to the July 1994 collision of the Periodic Comet Shoemaker-levy 9 (1993e) and the planet Jupiter. ISO-9660 disc.
Solar Data Analysis Center ( SDAC )
The SDAC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center serves current solar ground- and spaced-based imagery, text, figures, maps, and tables of NASA eclipse bulletins, solar flare data from the Compton GRO BATSE experiment and the Yohkoh spacecraft, and science operations planning information for the SOHO Science Working Team.... and more to come.
Solar UV Atlas from HRTS ( HRTS data )
Through the generosity of Dr. Pål Brekke of the University of Oslo, the High Resolution Spectrograph and Telescope (HRTS) ultraviolet solar atlas is now available on the Web. Click here for more information.
Solar, Auroral, Ionospheric, ... Information ( Univ. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada )
Solar Imagery (mirrored from SELSIS/BBSO)-updated once every three hours; Daily Reports of Ionospheric Data containing M(3000), foF2, MUF(3000), and TEC; East-West Solar Interferometer Scan Images from the Algonquin Radio Observatory 32-Element Interferometer; Weekly Solar Terrestrial Forecast and Review Reports; Daily GOES-6 and 7 X-ray Plots as well as special high-resolution xray plots of major flares; Daily NSO solar coronal line emission plots; Daily Pseudo-Full-Disk solar coronal maps of the coronal Fe XIV and Ca XV ion lines from the NSO; and more... - README
Space Environment Laboratory
The Space Environment Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides near real-time monitoring and forecasting of the environment between the sun and the earth. Our WWW server features Today's Solar Weather with current solar images, xray and proton plots from GOES satellites, and the latest forecast of solar-terrestrial conditions.
Space Mechanics Group Home Page ( Space Mechanics Group - Pisa )
Space Mechanics Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, ITALY. This home page gives access to: People (personal home pages) Resarch projects (subject home pages) Publications lists Data bases: asteroid proper elements (ftp server) Announcements of meetings We belong to European Asteroid Research Node Related information - pointers to other groups A preprint facility is in preparation A practical information facility (how to reach us, etc.) is in preparation
Space Mission Acronym List and Hyperlink Guide ( Mission Acronyms and Links )
Space Movie Archive
Enjoy this on-line biggest collection of space animations (more than 500 anims, 860 Mb) which has been rated number one for its content among all the best Space and Astronomy WWW servers in the world, equally placed with the Comet Shoemaker-Levy NASA JPL Home Page. Here's the summary : Solar eclipses | Meteorology | Science-Fiction |Star Trek | Shoemaker-Levy | Solar system bodies |Satellites, rockets and space probes | Space |STS-71 Mir-Atlantis encounter | Astro 2 Endeavor mission |Apollo missions | DCX-Y project | Future missions |Kennedy speeches at Rice University | Lunar probes
StarTrax: an Astrophysics Information System ( WWW AIS )
StarTrax 2.0 is a forms interface to the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) database management system at NASA's GSFC, which allows browsing of various astronomical catalogs and archival datafiles, providing a vast selection of data from X-ray and Gamma-ray astronomy missions including ROSAT, ASCA, Compton GRO, Einstein and EXOSAT. The Browse facility incorporates a name resolver to convert object names to coordinates; it will also provide multiple downloading of data products. Best results can be obtained by following the configuration instructions.
The Best of the Hubble Space Telescope
The best images from the hubble space telescope.
The Nine Planets
An essay about our solar system with text, pictures, sounds and an occasional movie. Each of the planets and major moons in our solar system is briefly described and illustrated with pictures from NASA spacecraft.
The Web Nebulae
The emphasis here is on aesthetics, not science. While there is a little information to help you appreciate the images this is not a tutorial on the astronomy of nebulae. If these images inspire you to study stellar evolution that's great, but my intent is primarily to showcase a part of Nature's beauty that is accessable to us only via the telescope.
Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory ( TRAO )
Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) is an educational and research facility to study the Universe by means of radio waves. The Observatory is a part of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of Nicolaus Copernicus University.
UMASS Astronomy Image Library
A library of optical, near infrared, IRAS, and mm radio images of astronomical objects of special interest to the UMass Astronomy group. This library includes the hyperlinked tour of the Lynds 1641 molecular cloud in Orion, and a library of images of molecular line maps of star formation regions studied at FCRAO.
University of Alabama - Department of Physics and Astronomy
A listing of faculty, postdocs, and graduates students as well as information on the Graduate program of study, the Research Experience for Undergraduates program, and a description of research facilities. Online preprints, job listings, and other information will be added soon.
University of Amsterdam
A collection of pretty astronomy and space images used as a slide show on the `Open Day 1994' of the Astronomical Institute, with graphical index.
University of California, Berkeley - Astronomy Department ( UCB-Astronomy )
The UCB Astronomy Home Page contains general information about the department. We maintain links for faculty, staff, post docs and students so that they may make papers, images, and other information available. Also included are an e-mail directory for the department, and links to related institutions.
University of Ljubljana, Astronomical Observatory ( Slovenia )
The Ljubljana Astronomical Observatory is part of the Department of Physics and is located on the hill Golovec close to Ljubljana. Observations that require dark skies are obtained at Crni vrh observing station where two small automated telescopes equipped with state of the art systems for CCD photometry are located.

Astronomers run university courses of astronomy for astronomers as well as physicists and primary and secondary school teachers. The Observatory has a public astronomical library. Research is in large part done in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory of Padua. Reseach interests include general relativity, active galactic nuclei, close stellar binary systems, pulsars, comets and telescope automation.

University of Manchester - Astronomy Group
Available are contact details, research interests of the group members, preprints and publications, course details, a frequently updated collection of links to items of interest to astronomers and of course, a few pretty pictures.
University of Melbourne - School of Physics: Astrophysics Group
University of Oregon - Physics Department
Consists of educational materials related to Astronomy, Weather, Energy and Environment, and Planet Earth. In addition, hypertext electronic textbooks and lessons are being developed. Contains The Galaxy Gallery, Electronic TextBook, and more...
URANIA - Ephemerides
URANIA - Meetings
Astronomical Center Of Alta Val Trebbia / Centro Astronomico dell'Alta Val Trebbia. Genoa, Italy.
Astronomical Center Of Alta Val Trebbia / Centro Astronomico dell'Alta Val Trebbia. Genoa, Italy.
Urania Astronomical Organization
USGS Flagstaff Space Mission Support
Browse the Solar System - Information about the Solar System and products created by the USGS. Current Activities, NASA Missions - Some of the NASA missions and other projects on which our scientists are currently working. Databases - Space mission databases maintained by USGS Flagstaff Field Center.
Video On Line - Astronomy Page
This page contains four important mirrors located at Video On Line and a list of magazines, amateur associations and astronomy observatories.
Viking Mission to Mars - Online Resources ( PDS Imaging Node. JPL. NASA )
NASA's Viking Mission to Mars was composed of two spacecraft, Viking 1 and Viking 2, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander. The primary mission objectives were to obtain high resolution images of the Martian surface, characterize the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface, and search for evidence of life. Viking 1 was launched on August 20, 1975 and arrived at Mars on June 19, 1976. Viking 2 was launched September 9, 1975 and entered Mars orbit on August 7, 1976. The service includes description of the missions and images of the planet
Virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars
This page contains MPEG movies and GIFs highlighting the visual distortion effects an observer would see in the high gravity environment of a neutron star or black hole (Schwarzschild metric). It is based on a refereed paper by Robert J. Nemiroff that appeared in the American Journal of Physics and is intended for educational use. The hypertext reviews several relevant aspects of gravitational lensing.

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli